Google agreed to pay USD9Million
Paying USD9million for click fraud case, don’t you think it’s a lot? Not actually, the USD9million is including lawyer/court and etc fees. As a public listed company, bad news always hit the market share badly. Google shares fell USD$10.57 after they disclosed the statement on the fraud case. Google to pay $90M in ‘click fraud’…
Google blacklisted BMW
Google has reduced BMW page rank to 0 and make sure the search keyword “used car” don’t place BMW website on the top of search engine results. Investigations by Google found that BMW’s German website influenced search results to ensure top ranking when users searched for “used car.” Google has now reduced BMW’s page rank…
Kena Summon
I went to Penang meet Geek00L for breakfast, this is what I got from Penang.
Can’t Submit Comment
Just want to comment on Ow journal, “Welcome back”! but got stucked.
Data Recovery
Data recovery on server has been done. The 21GB data is burnt into 6 DVDs. The 6 DVDs cost us a lot of money 🙂 I have heard a lot people hard disk are died, if you are looking for brilliant people to recover your data and pay them some money. Do check out MDR…