My Open Source Software Mag Site
After a short discussion with lotso, I am going to revamp My Open Source Software Magazine website, all the content in previous edition will bring into the website — Online. Beside that, try my best promoting MyOSS Mag web, and get more contributor contribute to the magazine. I am still thinking how to “make” people…
MyOSS Meetup
What is happening tonight? Join us at Malaysia Open Source Software group meet up, and it only happen once a month, futhermore it’s free of charge, no food serve but you can join us for buka puasa before the meet up start. Oh ya.. we serve tea 🙂 What’s up for this month meet up?…
Windows Update hacked!
I have (A) few of my friend(s) asked me why they can’t couldn’t update their Windows XP Professional. I think that they didn’t know windows has launched their so called _Piracy Check_ on your windows original license before you performance any windows update. I assume they don’t use ori, and suggest them they to switch…
Microsoft is crap…
Check out Microsoft(‘s) poster. Check it out man. Somebody please prove that Microsoft is misleading/wrong!!!
Maxis Online billing … gone
Maxis online billing out of service.