Does car lock/alarm helps?
Car crooks can now remove the entire door handle housing for Proton cars after which they can unlock the car – without triggering the alarm. Picture shows kopek-ed handle of Proton Satria. Scary!
Jason Mraz – Mr A-Z
Yahoo! Just pre-ordered Jason Mraz new album “Mr A-Z”, because this is a pre-order, which mean I only able to receive the shipping in August, aww… I will receive on my birthday 🙂 As a gift for myself by listening to the good music! Jason Mraz is popular with the songs You And I Both,…
Chinese? Malay? English? Tamil?
Deciding on a language of instruction for their children – whether it is Malay, Chinese, English or Tamil – has become a conundrum for many families. It goes to the core of a larger question that nags this multiethnic nation: What constitutes Malaysian identity? Is there one Malaysian way, requiring Chinese and Indian Malaysians to…
TMNUT screwed up at TTDI
TMNut, the affordable yet VERY POPULAR broadband service for Malaysian(inlcluding me). Screwed up again at my area, slow, damn slow… slow until I can’t do my work. Access to yahoo.com took me 1 minute, to my own blog also needed 30sec. Their customer service is awesome, very friendly.. Erm, I mean the answering machine very…
After 1 month+ of using it, I decided to write why I bought IBM X40, as my colleague always said I bought X40 to “lansi”/Proud/Action :p. LoL, pay so much money to lansi you guys, am I so stupid? Haha.. Coming soon……