Danny pet gone liao
Danny, your pet gone liao lor… Pic by Lin
哈哈哈! (联合早报网讯)苍蝇反应灵敏,经常能够在苍蝇拍打到前就逃之夭夭。美国科学家用高速镜头录下苍蝇的逃生方式,发现牠们遇险时除用翅膀飞行外,还用脚拚命弹开。有趣的是苍蝇总是向後弹,故拿起苍蝇拍从後打,苍蝇就会九死一生。 美国加州理工学院科学家卡德联同一批专家利用高速摄录机,破解苍蝇总是打不死的秘密。研究人员从不同角度向苍蝇投掷黑色磁碟,捕捉苍蝇的反应,终於知道原来牠们受攻击时不但会拍拍翅膀飞走,还会屈起六只脚极速弹跳,逃离现场。 虽然苍蝇的两只复眼各有四千个晶体,但视力非常差,不过侦测快速移动的物件却是牠们的强项。专家指出苍蝇懂得翅脚并用,绝非反射反应,而是用脑思考得出的逃生策略。由於苍蝇总是向上弹起再向後跳,下次在家拍苍蝇时只要记住从後重重一拍,成功机会必定大增。 Visit here
Decided to use short form D2WB and continue with D3WB, D4WB… Danny down today, sick and can’t come to work, KP is waiting his CN version beta test but failed, got to understand Danny is deep shit/sick.. so KP don’t curse him 😛 Throw 2 new servers in this morning, now is up and runing,…
PHP Cheerleader
I can’t sleep, don’t know why, so I continue do some work, and lotso forwarded me this.. what the crap.. PHP Cheer leaders…
Hits 1000
Wahh.. first time ever my web hits 1000 unique visitor… thank for stopping by and read my bloody boring blog + looking at my irritating fingers(some people felt irritated) on the top. Hmmm.. wait… Issit visitors visited my website or bots/spams visited my website… Hard to find out, but but.. anyways.. thank for stopping by…