随着“当今大马”国文版在去年开跑, 先在。。。终于轮到了中文版加入,就尤如虎添翼!“当今大马”迈前一大步走,由没可能变成有可能,在马来西亚可所是创造历史! 为何说创造历史?因为“当今大马”是马来西亚当今唯一结合了华,巫,英语言三语的“自由”媒体网站!我相信“当今大马”会帮社会人民吐出他们心里埋伏已久的心声! “自由”媒体当然有一定的影响力,当然也会吸引更多读者来阅读!这也会成为学生们学习语言的好网站,一次过看完你在报章看不到的新闻。 什么是自由媒体?Press of Freedome! 在马来西亚,为什么说没有新闻自由?看看列表; -中国报与南洋商报已经被马华管制。 -星洲日报是马来西亚数一数二的富商管制。 报章或者是报纸是关心时事的人都会读的东东,如果已被控制,也就是说很多新闻都会删除,不让我们知道或者很多事都已经掩人耳目。 试试想,很多时候报章是为政府说话,而不是为人民说话。是帮政府发布新闻,而不是向人民吐出心声。如果你每天读报章,只会看到报纸抹黑反对党不好,马华巫统好。有时看报纸就好象看布告栏,看到政治A先生传话给政治B女士。 我给你很好的样本,Klang的桥倒塌和MRR2的桥出现问题,那些什么什么报章有再深度的报导吗?报章有向Sammy Vellu施压,作出解释吗? 国油双峰塔世界第一,你知道国家负多少年的债吗?STPM成绩超好的学生,不被本地大学录取,你觉好报章有强调这个问题吗? 有!但是过后就不了了之。。。 为什么???因为你还没读“当今大马”,你不知道什么是事实和新闻自由,你想我讲大话?你自己读读吧。。。每个月RM15,三个语言的新闻,值得吗?你自己评价 🙂
Tsunami Attack Penang?
source: http://www.chinapress.com.my/content.asp?dt=2005-07-27&sec=mas&art=0727mc48.txt 女牧師:所言屬實 聲稱檳州即將發生海嘯大災難的女牧師,堅持本身不是一派胡言,更不怕警方對她採取行動! 她指出,她所預言都是真的,用意是要提醒人民逃過這場浩劫。 這名來自實兆遠的女牧師許英鸞(43歲),今日受記者訪問時表示,她看到異象,檳城將在近日內將會面對一場空前浩劫,由于不忍看到檳城生靈涂炭,因此向檳城人泄露這項天機。 提到是否害怕因此而觸犯法律時,她表示準備面對責任。 “如果我所講的是假話,我准備承擔后果,身為1個公民,我必須承擔責任。” Read it from China Press, a lady pastor predicts that will be a tsunami attack this weekend in Penang. The damage will be worst than what happened in Sumatera last year 1226. She advice people to back off from Penang… Beside that, she also said will take…
Streamyx is UP @ New Condo
Oh yea… after the telekom fight, finally my streamyx @ the new condo is up and running. This is the first post in the new condo which I am moving into next week. Bloody hell, just come back here to check whether the internet is working or not.. seriously, you will think I am weird……
Cannot stop
Freedome Planing to come back, don’t want to stop one month. A lot of unfair thing happened, and I need some where to voice out loudly. But mind you, Malaysia don’t have freedome of speech/voice. You got to extremely becareful during blogging something related to poli/business. Birthday Good thing also happened, I also want to…
Temporary Not available
Refer to my post, feedback from Sogua and Danny. Danny said he is too busy, a lot of work, no blog wor. Indirectly, mean I am too free, no work to do.. So I can blog, kanna.. I also have a lot of work! Sogua leh, he said he is simple person wor. Indirectly, mean…