Category: Paul-琮政 Life

  • Use Condom

  • 华文造句

    难过; 我没有交通工具,很难过去公司工作。 如果; 白开水不如果汁好喝。 天真; 今天真的开始下雨了。 十分; 我今天八点十分才去跑步。 从容; 我大多数从容易的问题开始答。 人参; 今年很多人参加Hack In The Box研讨会。 棉被; 拉肥大的卫生棉被它人偷了。 便当; 我去大便当我肚子痛。

  • FTEC Laptop – SUCK

    My friend, who bought a FTEC laptop 2 months ago, right after he bought the laptop, the screen screwed up. Yes.. Right after mean after he took out from the box and power on. So, he went to change a new one and plan to resell online. After the changed, he never open up from…

  • Sekali Tembak Dah Kena!

    Very creative marketing.. visit website

  • Telekom Bil screwed up?

    I think Telekom Malaysia telephone bil(ls) are screwed up or something. Maybe database got hacked? SQL Injection? Hehehe.. Check out the telephone bil(l)…our office telephone bil(l) RM40k+ and one of my colleague(s) bill is RM2k+.. .they are like… WTF 😛 I can’t imagine if people using credit card AUTOPAY.. else, your dad or mom will…