Category: Paul-琮政 Life

  • 神 — 其实都是人,它做了人做不到的事情。 我不是神,我是人,普通的人,区区的programmer,但是老板最近要我们创造P2P Video Casting,P2P用就多,但是要写P2P的软体,我真的不在行,Skype和Kazaa的天才创办人,用了几年来研究。 我嘛,无话可说。

  • FAILED: Learn to park your car

    I wonder how this fellow got him license. I never see people park the car _on_ the road, not on the side of the road.. He has taken half of he lane….. From this view.. Look like “okay”, you can’t see his car is blocking other car to pass by. Thank Sam for editing the…

  • VMWare Network on Mac OS X x86

    How to make your Mac OS X x86 network works with VMWare Workstation??? After Mac OS X has been installed on VMWare Workstation, you will found that the network is not working or the network card it’s not recognize by Mac OS X. You can get the network driver here and follow the instruction below.…

  • What you want to say?

    Ok, base on the picture, come out your creative slogan/wording. I got it from the email, originaly written, “When I look at my pay-slip versus the work I do, I feel like !!!!!!!!!!!” For me, “When I stuck in the jam, I feel like…” “When TMNet Streayx is down, I feel like…” “When the servers…

  • How much they eat?

    In Thailand, people like to eat rice, but do you know when they eat less? Answer