Happy Halloween
Halloween day is not that special in Malaysia, but I really like people who wearing the horror costume runing around.. IF office allow, we can wear costume to office is really cool! and Google.com has this really cool header of their search engine 🙂 Happy Halloween!
MSN Messenger Virus
Desperate to view a chick personal profile? Do you believe cyber chicks? Hehehe, be realistic my friend, in the end what you get is a virus 😛 I got a virus message from my friend in MSN. With the cachy messsage “Wow, this is you ?” When you click on the link, which is the…
少女来到一间屋前,慢慢的踱了进去!她没想到屋里会有人, 但在屋里的却是一个50多岁的老男人。 她听到身后轻轻的关门声,然后那老男人的脚步声就慢慢向她靠近。隔壁传来一个女人断续的呻吟声,在这种地方,经过走廊时,随便哪个房内都会不时传出男人和女人们发出的这种令人起鸡皮疙瘩的呻吟。 老男人走到女孩对面,轻轻托起她的下巴仔细端详着,她不喜欢他看她的那种眼神。女孩想起宿舍室友的话,“没什么的,我很小就做过的”,“会出点血,但不是很疼”,……。 老男人看出了女孩眼中的紧张,甚至可以说,带一丝恐惧。他站起身,到旁边倒了一杯水,回来放在女孩的手边。“放松一点,否则你会更难受。”他说这话的时候嘴角带着笑,可女孩却根本笑不出。
Buka Puasa Dinner
OoooO yeah! We having free dinner yesterday night, had some nice food serve with some delicious malay dishes in the office. Thank to Arfa and Nurul.. the tech team really enjoy it 🙂 Shagadelica, Sogua and Malaysiakini’s Mandarin Editor Sogua enjoying his 3rd round Full rice, now left sikit saje.. I found Steven like the…
Mamula Moon, Terang Bulan or Whatever
OK, since “SOME SPIDER(” is not happy with what I wrote and I have no idea who copy who, Mamula Moon < -> Terang Bulan. This is not important for me, but how could this fucker judging I writing this means I don’t love my country? For people who want to know the history of…