Life in the Googleplex
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Petrol Price Increase 30sen?
From a chat conversation 1 minute ago. Mr XXX: here my fren say esok petrol naik 30sen takizo: issit? Mr XXX: my fren said one takizo: oo.. Mr XXX: his dad’s fren petrol station takizo: how reliable Mr XXX: not sure Mr XXX: see ur car if really empty Mr XXX: then can go pump…
Download Tammy’s videos
I feel sympathy on what has happened on Tammy. It seem like everybody is looking for the clips to download. I believe most of the people only able to download Part 1 & Part 2, who knows, I got all parts, Part 1 – 4.. I bet you guys enjoy the previous episode & would…
Cigarette : A pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end & a fool on the other. Lecture : An art of transferring information from the notes of the Lecturer to the notes of the students without passing through the minds of either Conference : The confusion of one man multiplied by…
近兩天,午餐的時候, 個個都在大門口討論要吃什麽,要去那裏吃。所以我們會大概浪費了十至十五分鐘討論,或者是賴其中一個做決定。 爲何呢?個個都害怕禽流感。矮子說我怕死,我的同事有一個金玉良言,在我們的人生裏,失敗可以很多次,死只有一次。那麽年輕,父母用心良苦的栽培我們,這麽樣走了,不是很對不起他們老人家嗎? 哈哈,很明顯的,在我工作這一區的雞飯店,原本很多人,變成沒人了,而原本很少人的齋舘就滿座。那些走進去雞飯店吃的,肯定有夠資格去參加Fear Factor了。如果再這麽下去的話,雞飯店的生意就很淡了,那麽不就是很慘? 應該是時候想想辦法把雞飯變成叉燒燒肉檔,肯定賺到笑。這也讓我意味着,不知幾時,政府一定會來一個吃雞大會,嘻嘻。