Category: Paul-琮政 Life

  • OpenBSD T-Shirt For Sales

    I have an OpenBSD T-shirt for sale at the price of RM200. It only has been worn twice and washed in the washing machine 3 times. For those who love OpenBSD, it’s a good t-shirt, trust me. Size L.

  • Malaysia Football Strategy

    Accidentally bumped into this website, I think they miss out Malaysia football plan. Obviously, the team ball passing is not accurate, so it has to be go round by round. At the right time score the right goal. 😛

  • Wrong Number

    xxx: “Halo, Encik Siong ka” me: “Halo??” xxx: “Encik Siong ka? Aku ni xxx” me: “ya? ape?” xxx: “Oh, saya nak order xxx 6 kotak” (I try to continue the conversation…) me: “oh, 6 kotak sahaja? angkatlah banyak sikit..” xxx: “6 kotak dah cukup, bila mao lagi, aku order lagi la” me: “Macam tu, boleh…

  • Jason Mraz is in Singapore

    According to some fans, Jason Mraz is now in Singapore, he went to Singapore yesterday, but nobody knows what time the flight was. Countdown countdown, another 36 hours and I will be sitting in Esplanade Concert Hall and enjoying Jason Mraz’s show. I have my maps printed out, from bus station to hotel, from hotel…

  • 我還活着

    好久沒有上來大砲了 , 我最近忙於玩一個遊戲 , name三國群英傳6 我還年輕 , 所以我有資格玩 也許你們會問我怎麼會有那麼多的時間+精神玩白痴遊戲…. 工作不忘娛樂 , 人生one out of two 就是為了娛樂而生存哦 second out of two is 工作賺錢……….