Category: Paul-琮政 Life

  • Feed Area

    I have created new section called Daily Read. It feeds my favourites blogs into different categories. So far I have created 2 categories, they are PHP and Technologist. If you have any suggestion, please feel free to let me know.

  • Blogging With An Apple

    I have been very busy recently, busy with work and projects that have tight datelines to meet. I’m glad to hear spoonfork has finished one of his projects :). Wish me luck, I hope I can finish mine as soon as possible so I can have a good night’s sleep. Oh yea, my houstemate has…

  • Beware Of Some Malaysia Colleges

    An unhappy incidence was happened to my cousin. It was about a college which located at PJ branch indirectly cheated my cousin and her friend’s registration fees, and they did not want to or strongly refused to refund the registration fees to both of them. Well, although it’s only RM130, but can you imagine if…

  • Win Gubra Premier Ticket

    Have you watched Sepet before? A made in Malaysia love story movie. If you watched it before, not to be missed the coming premier showing of Gubra. Gubra(SepetII) premier showing coming to town on 4th April 2006. Win yourself a premier ticket at Pensonic Friends website. Click on the picture for more info, don’t miss…

  • Poor Server

    A video show that one of the poor server. Video taken by Max and we are in TMNet Netmyne data center, Cyberjaya. What happened was the processor’s fan was stopped working, and the power switch has spoilt. The server can turn off but cannot turn it on again. There is a special trick to turn…