Category: Paul-琮政 Life

  • Girl Gangster Fight in School

    Would you send your daugther to school and wallop by a bunch of school gangster? How sad it’s the guys were just standing there enjoy watching the girl kena wallop by few idiotive and uneducatad girls. The video has been circulated in the internet, I wish the super gangster girl good luck, may the lord…

  • Better New Look

    If you notice, I have made a minor changes on my blog’s design layout. It has become wider, which is good for your eyes reading (I don’t think I write much :P). The text has became bigger too. No other fancy stuff, I just spent few hours tweaked on the css just to make the…

  • Gen2 + Savy = NEO?

  • AIMS’ Malaysia’s Telecommunications Hub

    I am tired with having my server in TMNet Netmyne. The server connection having intermittent problem since evening until night. I have wrote complaint email to TMNet Netmyne data center but there is not reply from them until now, today. I really hate with their “come if you like, go if you don’t” attitude. I…

  • Japan Go Go Go!