Category: Paul-琮政 Life

  • Who Is This?

    Can you count how many fingers does that kid have? 🙂

  • No More Boring Saturday/Sunday

  • 保儸與朋友

    已經想到這個博客應該取個什麽名了!Paul Ooi & Friends – Life About Malaysian Chinese。這是個保儸與朋友的博客,幾個大馬華人在寫自己的生活趣事。 其實多多人聚在一堂寫博客是蠻爽的事,每天早上,打開來必定看到矮子留言或是有新的報告,然後還可以看到凡凡出場。有時工作很累,看到有個可愛的寶寶在這裡坐鎮,也是蠻開心的。 在加上有vovo那裏厲害篇的導演,真的是增添了幾分歡喜。最近比較忙,寫到這裡好了。 🙂 如果你有興趣加入,留個名吧。 還有,那個king最近失蹤了,國慶日就到了叻,也就是說他又快老一嵗了!

  • Past and Millennium Life and Living in Malaysia

    In KL, the busy city, the city full with car, lagged with good public transportation, and the parliament filled with a bunch of talented ministers who made us live stronger in this “real world”. Today, I want to talk about “time”. I don’t read history, I don’t even know who implemented 24 hours a day,…

  • Work in UK???

    Visits for more funny information.