Category: Paul-琮政 Life

  • Programmer Rights!

    1. Every programmer shall have two monitors With the crashing prices of LCDs and the ubiquity of dual-output video cards, you’d be crazy to limit your developers to a single screen. The productivity benefits of doubling your desktop are well documented by now. If you want to maximize developer productivity, make sure each developer has…

  • Glory Man Utd!

    1… 2… 3… 4… Sing! Glory Glory Glory Man Utd! Glory Glory Man Utd!

  • Made Up My Mind

    I decided to visit TM Point tomorrow early morning, and say “Good Morning TM Fellow, I am proud to use TMNet Streamyx services. Currently, I am enjoy with RM88 package – hyper fast connection(less than 60kBps average). In fact, I think the super fast connection is not what I want. I think it will be…

  • 借錢不還

    最近星哥不是很開心,因爲他的好朋友借了錢過後就不了了之,電話打不通,人也沒消息。我和星說,那種東西是叫“跑路”,不用找了,有心避你,天兵降落也找不到。 很普通,很多時候,那些要借錢的人會給你十萬個理由,讓你看幾百种可憐的樣子,和你說一定一定會還。到最後,你和他討囘錢,他跟你說,錢沒有,命一條,要就拿。你能怎樣? 我覺得,最好是不要借錢給人,除了說意外;然後那些借錢的人,你有一雙手,用那一雙手來賺錢!我們辛辛苦苦存來的錢,不是給你那一雙手那麽的那走的。。。你以爲錢容易賺啊?吊你的。。。

  • Ei, He Still Alive!

    Some of the folks are missing this fscking blog.