Streamyx Not Available
Just want to say, my house streamyx is down. Darn.
Pepper Spray on Tun Mahathir in Kelantan
Saya nAnti-Rasuah Video? Aku ada RM50 saje
Original poster on youtube.com Update Police Malaysia has launched investigation to both of the local “actor”. God bless 😀 貪污短片查出眉目,片中人物非真正交警 “拍到交警貪污”短片:自導自演 p/s: This is a fake video posted by one of the member on youtube.
TMNet Getting Sucks Again
International links are running so fscking slow. I can’t access websites like slashdot.org flickr.com digg.com soccernet.com TMNet Streamyx. The suckest broadband service in South East Asia. Why pay RM88/month and get the speed lower than 52kBps but not 128kBps(1mb). There is something call Streamyx User Group which held on 15 September. If you think attend…
Maxis Love Mahathir
This Morning, I received a MMS from Maxis. The content is; Laungkan Merdeka! Kibarkan Jalur Gemilang! Keranamu Malaysia! Selamat Hari Kebangsaan yang ke 49 dari Maxis. Mesej ini adalah percuma. and the attached picture is shown as below; By the way, want to wish you all Happy Merdeka Day!