Category: Paul-琮政 Life

  • Nikon D80 Malaysia Price

    Am I slow? I just knew that Nikon has released the price for D80. I checked with several shops in Kuala Lumpur. Selling price is around RM4200 – RM4700, depend on how you bargain, how big can your mouth talk. The kit lens looks good, AF DX’s lens 18-135mm. But I prefer to have DX’s…

  • 巫统金钱政治

    佐哈里:“200令吉无法收买我们的代表来拒绝敦(马哈迪)。我不觉得这么便宜的价格就能够拒绝敦。” 有時候,人說“不吃過辣椒哪裏知道辣?”,我國国安部副部长佐哈里說RM200太便宜了。他的發表不是很矛盾嗎?豈不是間接性說什麽“桶”裏是有金钱政治?這也意味着那個什麽“桶”裏的代表還蠻貪心的,RM200太少,聽到了嗎?

  • Ready to Hack?

    Asia Largest Security Conference is coming to rock Kuala Lumpur City Center next week. Are you ready for it? We are ready to see you there!

  • Toyota Service Centre Rocks!

    Early morning today, I went to Toyota Service Centre for first 1000km service. What I wanted to say is… The service centre rocks. It took me around 1 hour for car service. First, I proceed to the caunter counter and get the ticket queue no, wait for a while, an engineer came to attend me…

  • 生活故事

    囘到家,趕著沖涼洗衣服,晚餐沒吃就趕快開電腦趕工。。。 。。。 。。。人很難當,壓力大,沒人能理解。