Long Holiday
After 5:30pm, I will be having long holiday, every one of us is waiting for 5:30pm, then we will jumping up and down drooling out to the office and have a long nice break, hibernate our mind from work work work work. Well, we need to give a big hug hug and kiss kiss to…
Malaysiakini Old Office
Stumble some old pictures in my folder. Malaysiakini old office. During the time the tech team been slaved. Moved stuffs and also crimped cables from first floor to second floor. Those who are using the network cables in the office now should appreciate me and chua hardwork.
Sad News
Dear Mr. Paul Ooi, Thank you for contacting Consumer Products. Your case has been forwarded to us. We will assist you from here. You will need to courier your package to our Service Centre for servicing. Your package should include the following: 1) Camera, 2) Warranty Card and 3) Purchase Receipt Thank you for your…
Nikon D80 Dead Pixel
Update I just came back from One Utama, drove all the way there, pay parking and had a word with Shong Lee Photo Shop’s aunty, I shown her the bad pixel/dead pixel on my 2 days old Nikon D80 camera, and she said, I have to send to Nikon Service for them to check/repair and…
老闆老闆別神氣,我將不再拍馬屁; 因為你常發脾氣,經常拿我出出氣; 微薄薪水真小氣,要求業績與壓力; 我是白癡兼奴隸,忍氣吞聲當小弟; 若非生活有壓力,早就離職與唾棄; 竟然上班沒波蜜,下班也無供馬力; 聊天不得話情意,害我嘴巴變麻痺; 加班沒有維士比,福利也沒KTV; 初一十五要拜祭,也沒賞賜表心意; 辦公不准吹冷氣,汗流夾背一滿地; 沒有電腦來算計,自己大腦當機器; 文具用品都不必,自掏腰包當救濟; 公司小姐雖美麗,只能觀賞與哭泣; 我想泡妞談天地,因為忙碌無體力; 你也不供好藥劑,提神解腦玩床戲; 你常花天與酒地,雖是逢場與作戲; 竟然將我來忘記,令我難嚥這口氣; 老闆偷姦甜蜜蜜,竟被偷拍成日記; 大家爭相來傳遞,老婆演出跳樓記; 我是禍首不規避,寫真底片已丟棄; 你可安心演床戲,今後無人耍詭計; 今後不在寫日記,以免你看又生氣; 同事都是我麻吉,何必相煎何太急; 我在公司令你氣,不如改行展魄力; 辭呈放在你抽屜,求我挽留都不必; 本月薪水別忘記,我會回來找會計