Category: Paul-琮政 Life

  • Rooney Ruins It

    Missed an open goal from Ronaldo’s great cross. Missed another open goal after Saha shoots on target. Awarded a yellow card because he think they deserved for a penalty. Today is not Rooney day but a raining day during the match.

  • Tweak It Right

    Life could be happy and happier when you tweak it right. No matter what you are tweaking; camera, sleeping time, web server, database, sports, eating habits and etc etc etc. Oh ya, even feng shui, but I have zero knowledge about feng shui 😀

  • Up, Late Night

    You see, I see, I hate having badminton from 10pm-12am, it made me can’t get into bed after shower. It really.. sux. Suddently there are a lot of things pop up in my mind, stuffs I would like to buy; Nikon FlashLight Nikon 18-200mm VR lens Apple Mac Book Pro Some nice and confortable sandal…

  • 我最討厭就是病,我可以發燒,咳嗽,但是我最討厭就是傷風。因爲傷風必須睡覺,好像豬那麽樣,早上睡懶覺,下午睡懶覺,晚上睡懶覺,天天都是睡懶覺。我不要病,我不想再睡懶覺了。。。 我承認很多時候我約了大老闆都會遲到,因爲到現在,我還是捉摸不到城市裏繁忙的交通,爽爽就塞車,爽爽就不塞。城市繁忙的交通猶如女孩子的心,很難去捉摸。有時候城市裏的交通,猶如敦馬的下一步棋,我知道幾時會給人家撞,幾時撞人家。 但是我這個純正的中國人,講一就一,burn dvd就burn dvd,不像有些人,叫他在檳城找好吃的香餅也找不到,失望極了!

  • Mahathir, Get Well Soon, We Need You