Malaysia Boleh? Malaysia Bodoh?
While Malaysia fiddles, its opportunities are running dry – A column by Michael Backman, he brought up some good points; which a lot Malaysian afraid to shout it loud and clear. He writes about NEP issue. MALAYSIA’S been at it again, arguing about what proportion of the economy each of its two main races —…
Prison Break Season 2 Episode 11
Malaysia’s Most Hacked Blog
Koh lian tai Jerry got hacked again, and this time he has message to the hacker who hacked his site. Amitabha hope this will be the last time he got hacked, else it’s tiring of restoring the blog, furthermore Jerry is running multiple columns on his blog. The basic practice to avoid site get hacked…
Message From Osama
from youtube
Prison Break S2E10
I have been following Prison Break season II every week. From previous episode, Sara is heading to Sundown Hotel in Gila as a plan to meet Scofield; Scofield knows Mahone’s secret, he has burried someone at his backyard. Sucre is going to meet Maricruz; Burrows and LJ get caught again by police; Bellick found T-bag;…