MyIX – Malaysia Internet Exchange
MyIX is launching tomorrow morning. What is Internet Exchange?
MyIX, Malaysia Internet Exchange Launch on 15th December 2006
MyIX – Malaysia Internet Exchange will launch on 15th December 2006. Malaysia’s ISPs “big players” TMNet and Jaring are the member of MyIX. This time, others local telcos in Malaysia such as Time, Digi, Maxis might become the member of MyIX too. Local ISPs and Telcos are required to inter-connect their link to each other…
New Apple iPot For Sales, RM188
Nikon SB-800 Speedlight Flash 到手
終于等到了!自從Nikon 80面世后,Nikon SB-800大大缺貨,從原本的RM1300起價至RM1450,在吉隆坡東南西北走來走去都很難找到。既然已經和Shong Lee老闆娘熟了,就在幾天前付了70%定金預訂。今天一大早就收到老闆娘的好消息,SB-800駕到! 小弟還不是很會操作,但是覺得Speedlight Flash打出來的光是蠻符合的。必須好好的多多學習,那麽香港之旅就可多拍點美照片。剛剛拍了幾張照來試試看。。。 就這樣,又用了一筆血汗錢。 沒有SB-800的日子 有了SB-800的快樂日子。。。