30% NEP, WTF?
首相拿督斯里阿都拉重申,一旦土著在本地上市公司持有30%股權的目標達到后,政府將廢除有關政策 從新經濟政策于1970年開始實施,政府已定下目標,要在2010年時,達致土著持有股權從2%增加至30%目標。 F*ck, Better don’t read news during CNY to spoil my good mood. Happy Chinese New Year Pak Lah, I trying to love what you do. read full story in China Press
Chinese New Year in Malaysia is Boring
Celebrate Chinese New Year without firecracker doesn’t mean Chinese New Year anymore. But then some dumbass mother fucker said if any firecracker paper found on your house. Get you ass up and wait for the fine RM200/piece. What a bull shit, sometime I really wonder do they know the meaning behind the firecracker? By the…
The First Lie I Read in 2007
A recent study showed that Malaysians enjoy a high standard of comfortable and happy family life, revealed Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi today. Most of the friend around me, none of them like the so called “comfort” life. Really wondering where is the statistic came from. What a big joke, are you comfort with Tolls…
Gong Xi Fat Cai
yes.. both of my eyes are red now, I am seeing angpow coming to me, I am seeing money is coming into my pocket.. damn, am i that si lui bin? well, time flies, sekelip mata already been a year. i still remember i took long leave last year before chinese new year, because of…