Category: Paul-琮政 Life

  • As a Prove

    Some Liverpool dude said, if Liverpool lose to Man Utd in Champion League. He will buy me dinner everyday for a week, anyone want to join me for free dinner? But this come with IF Liverpool can make it to final 😉

  • Manchester United Humiliated Roma with SEVEN GOALS only ma!

    Those WHO said Manchester United can’t won with more than 3 goals. I am so sorry to say that, YES! Manchester United can’t won with 3 goals, because we scored SEVEN GOALS only ma! w00t! Goal 1: Michael Carrick a.k.a Carrot Goal 2: Alan Smith a.k.a Broken Leg Goal 3: Wayne Ronney a.k.a Tua Pui…

  • 上梁不正下梁歪

    一直棍打翻整只船。 Abdullah has also launched attacks on bloggers and Internet users, accusing them of spreading lies about the government. 不吃辣椒哪知辣椒辣,不踩大变哪知大变臭。不做坏事哪怕人家讲。 Information Minister Zainuddin Maidin said last week that bloggers should not be exempt from the same controls as mainstream media, and accused them of using lies to overthrow the government. 好汉不当宿头龟,行得正站得正,我名叫做黄琮政! Abdullah’s comments come as…

  • 新人加入保罗与朋友

    今天早上,和位朋友吃早餐,他说有兴趣在这里和矮子,King,Vovo和Ling一起写些无聊的部落格。其实他本身也有自己的部落格。但是,独乐乐,不如众乐乐对不对? 最近vovo和Ling好像似失踪了。。。 拭目以待,新人加入大家庭! 多多人一起写比较爽嘛,对不对?

  • Malaysia’s Bloggers may have to register

    BLOGGERS using locally hosted websites may be asked to register with the authorities, Deputy Energy, Water and Communications Minister Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor said. He said registration was one of the measures the Government was considering to prevent the spread of negative or malicious content on the Internet. Shaziman said this while winding up the…