Category: Paul-琮政 Life

  • I Will Google You

    Google – Recently, I notice people around me like to Google for profile. For an example, when someone l33t came for an interview, After that someone will Google him/her, to find out what’s his/her profiles on the net. If someone who google me and look into my profile on the net, the chances of me…

  • One of Gandhi’s Best Quote

    For our PM, Kanagaraj Krishna: First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win This is a quote from Mahatma Gandhi, not me. Have a safe trip to Singapore 😉 Come back in 1 piece! You are da man.

  • 梦想

    梦想 每个人都有。 今年, 我的梦想, 写好我的软件, 不断的增值。 顺便宣布一下, 由于我忠心耿耿投靠公司, 而shred web hosting这门生意又越来越竞争, 所以没做shared web hosting了。 这里有几间本地shared web hosting公司还蛮不错的。 价钱公道, 服务周到。 Shinjiru Exabytes Web Visions 让你们搬家而弄到不便之处请多多包涵。

  • 家 真的很想拥有一间属于自己的家, 一个属于自己的私人空间, 一个让我好好休息的空间, 一个可闭目养神的好地方, 一个放松自己的思想空间。 一回到,什么都不用想, 只是打开49″ Panasonic Flat Screen电视机, 把懒惰的身躯躺在舒服的沙发上, 慢慢享受“家”的感觉。 眼看我未来的家就快好, 也代表利息越来越高, 也向往着就快供屋子了。 最近还是那么忙, 然而有位神山人, 天天地狱式训练, 没什么时间拍照, 唯有拍未来的家。

  • Man Utd v Liverpool

    I think Champion League final will be Manchester United v Liverpool and the score will be Man Utd 3 – 1 Liverpool.. Think only okay? no offense to Chelsea cannot make it to final.