Category: Paul-琮政 Life

  • All About Work

    Recently I notice 8 working hours isn’t enough to me. Especially when there are a few things on hand to-do, basically means when all things come in sudden, it’s really PITA(Pain In The Ass). Especially when you are dealing with systems, applications, debugging and troubleshooting. Logs file analyzing will take a lot of time, and…

  • Got Hacked? No lar…

    Is my blog got hacked? No lar, just moving my blog to new server. We are back!

  • HuaWei + HSDPA = Better Than Streamyx

    Been using 3G for few days, it’s… I think better than Streamyx. And the Hua Wei 3G modem is small, can get it at Low Yat, just mention you want a HuaWei E200 3G Modem. If your area support HSDPA/3GX, you will be lucky to get the connection at 1Mb/s. If it’s only 3G, can…

  • 异人做异术

    “Try camera tossing, where you toss your (least expensive and least favorite) camera in the air just before the shutter opens. The goal is to get your camera to capture a pattern you could not create while holding it in hand, so range—not height—is the goal. The results will be unpredictable, beautiful and abstract ”…

  • It has been 14 WORKING DAYS!

    It has been 14 working days. In 14 working days, we could have done a lot of things. For travel, we can travel to Hong Kong for 5 days 4 nights, then travel to Vietnam 5 days 4 nights, come back to Malaysia, rest another 4 days, and get back to work. For work, I…