An Apple iPhone in Malaysia
I was having lunch with my colleagues at some restaurant in The Weld today, my boss joint us after that. He walked into the restaurant with the earphone and it looks like he has an iPod attached with him. After sat down, he take out that “ipod”, put on the table. That “ipod” is actually…
星期天 , 姐姐结婚的大好日子 忙忙忙。。。。。
Oh My God!
Very “ong” ah 8308!
3G, Cool!
Today, I’m going back to hometown to attend a wedding dinner. On the road, 3G is on, some area even got HSDPA coverage, right now rest at Bukit Merah.. 3G… Rocks.. Yes, this morning got another summon at Kampar. Nowadays, I didn’t know that police is so hardworking, setting up road block at 7:30am… Sigh…
Oh My God, What SMSes Are This to My Maxis Mobile
Ahh. Crap, don’t know who are this Airocom and MacroKiosk crap shit charged me on this unknowned SMSes until RM12.20. I have never subscribe to that bloody SMS content thingy, got charged RM0.30/sms OR RM4.00/sms and the best part is I never realize sometime the spam I got is chargeable on my bill! I called…