Category: Paul-琮政 Life

  • 其实我应该当矮子


  • 渤麦堂-Apple的中文软体

    有时候,要找Apple的中文软体是满难的,最近下载一些中文歌曲,但是遇到了很多乱码问题,想找一些软件来convert一些乱码 ID3 Tag,渤麦堂有一些软件蛮好用的。

  • KNNACCB 網路大戰-明志

  • Apple Leopard is In Malaysia

    Yes, Apple Leopard is already in Malaysia. It launch on Friday night, together with the others countries. Some of my friend didn’t know about it actually already out for sales in Malaysia! You don’t have to wait few more days 😉

  • Selamat Hari Raya

    one, two.. three, today is day 3 of hari raya, tomorrow gonna get back to work. i believe there are still a lot people in holiday “mode”. shorty went to a small town to eat more vegetables, because he had eaten too much of pils, not sure he took any photo or not. this year…