No Update, Good Bye.
It has been a while that this blog doesn’t has much writing, lag of update and more photos than writing. There are thousand reasons behind… Starting with …. because; I am lazy to write, other than that I am not a good writer either, sometime the bad grammatical errors attract some criticism, some come with…
来自吉兰丹古邦阁亮区部的札丽哈(Zaleha Hussin)在代表妇女组辩论宗教与社会提案时,建议政府指示亚洲航空(亚航)更换空姐的制服,因为现有的制服过于暴露,违反回教价值观。 “妇女组向亚航管理层建议,立即认真采取行动,因为马来西亚是回教国,现代回教(Islam Hadhari)是我国行政的主干,我们对亚航空姐的穿著感到羞愧。” … 無聊!相關報導。
Celcom 3G _Very_ Fast!
Saw the Celcom advertisement? Celcom 3Gx? Ahem.. Misleading… To be honest, it was fast last time, but not now anymore, recently the network is having unacceptable slowness, even browsing local website would take few minutes to load, in particular my blog itself. I am trying to download firefox browser, and here is the speed… Fast…