NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8
Nice WAL
Yesterday, accompany my boss – Max to do some photo shooting at KLCC. It ended up got cursed by him gao gao, think not to bring my WAL out again next time 😀 Tuesday night we are going again. Shorty, Max, myMAC, Shong2 coming? It’s cool to see lima biji D80 out together 😀 Hope…
天空暗淡, 没有闪亮的星星, 只有一朵朵的乌云。 曼联赢了!万岁万岁万万岁!
发现我们国家的酒店业越来越安全, 安全到有录像机在房间里, 来提防不法之徒潜入你房间里。 大马突然间又多了个动作片明星, 老兄,讲过几万次,劝你几百次, 都叫你抬头做人,你尽然抬脚。。。
First Pic of 2008