After the Petrol Price Increase to RM2.70 in Malaysia
This morning, my wallet is bleeding, seeing that the 40 litres petrol sales cost me RM108++ is truly pain in the ass, yes, my ass, not Pak Lah ass, nor Petronas ass… not BN’s ass… I have a new SLA with my car from today onward, driving less than 350km/week. Go to work early, coming…
Pak Lah Told To Change Your Fscking Lifestlye
Government told us to change our lifestyle, government told, meaning Pak Lah told us to change our lifestyle la, am I right? Ok la, we change our lifestyle? Why would they want us to change our lifestyle where they never change their fscking lifestyle? You smart ass can spent money send 1 dungu to the…
Countries to Migrate with Lower Gas Price
Country USD/Litre Malaysia 0.84 Bahrain 0.27 Brunei 0.39 China 0.74 Egypt (Cairo) 0.32 Indonesia 0.65 Iran 0.11 Kuwait 0.21 Mexico 0.62 Nigeria 0.10 North Korea 0.71 Qatar 0.22 Riyadh 0.12 Turkmenistan 0.08 UAE 0.37 Venezuela 0.05 I think I will go Venezuela, cause I am not sure where is Turkmenistan. Beside, girls in Venezuela is…
Catching Up Thomas/Uber Cup 2008 Live!
Some thought okay, the first double and second has lost their grips. usually, in malaysia culture, especially in sport industry, after thomas/user cup 2008, as usual you will see some coach coaches is are leaving the squad soon 😉 on top of that, i am quite disappointed on first double performance, they could have perform…
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