保儸上完報上網 🙂
黃琮正: Google給我支票了! 更多詳情
Astro’s Price Increase – Petition
Do please support and sign the petition http://www.petitiononline.com/astropce/petition.html Recently, Astro decided to increase the month subscription fee. The service quality provided does not substantiate the increase. Until the quality of service as well as programs has been improved, there is no reason/excuse to increase the fee. Just do us, Malaysians a favour!!! Do pass on….
對養魚不是很有興趣,最想養豬,但生在這片土地上,算了,烏龜還不錯,希望快快搬家,然後考慮養一只金錢龜 🙂
沉溺于咖啡可能有點誇張,但現在每天至少須來一杯,已經戒掉3和1咖啡,只喝自己沖得咖啡,那麽就不會喝kopitiam的咖啡,因爲絕對不會比在家裏的咖啡好,那麽間接一天就少喝了一杯咖啡,一天少喝一杯不好喝的咖啡,一個月就少喝很多不好喝的咖啡 bla bla bla…..