2006 sux~~
The end of 2006, Still haven’t get a hand phone charger, forgotten to bring mine back from Bangkok. Still haven’t received my payment for Nov and Dec. 1 check rejected yesterday Boss, still unable to return your rm300, sorry boss, so please pay me faster so I can return you faster k, but boss rm300…
七早八早,Sreamyx打来,要确定已经upgrade了我的package. a)我目前使用着的是rm77 -512kb b)我申请upgrade的是rm77 – 1MB (Festive Package, due 31st Dec) 他很友善地通知我 : “Kami sudah upgrade account kamu ke rm99 – 1MB” WTF???? I’ve queued for 3 hours that day, triple confirm with more 3 diff people at the service center (including payment,consultant…), the conclusion is that – I CAN UPGRADE TO THE “FESTIVE PACKAGE”…
Merry Christmas~~
剛囘到梳邦再也,隔了一個禮拜沒有見阿柏(的部落格)了,很想念咯~~ 原來十二月的曼谷氣候是滿冷的,可低至23度,所以下次聖誕節大家不防考慮一下曼谷,當然,像版主那般富有不用想了哈哈哈 !! 很生氣沒有把我的Powershot帶去!!雖然不比D80好,但至少我可以拍些東西回來,都告蘭!!! 祝大家聖誕快樂,2007會更好!! 阿柏,早日康復!! 香港之旅記得拍些香港妹照片給大家!
MTV Asia – Create your own virtual tree this Christmas!