Buying Nikon D80 Camera at Shong Lee Photo, Kuala Lumpur

矮子 and me been running around KL to look for Nikon D80 for the past few days. Finally we found a shop with stock(s) in 1Utama. Shong Lee Photo, which provides good services and made me as one of their happy customer to purchase a DSLR camera.

Shaolin Tiger with his new Nikon D200 and me with da Nikon D80. My first function to shoot is, tomorrow buka puasa dinner. Stay tune, I hope I can snap some nice photo, and I do hate take in door picture, because I can’t control my keep on shaking!

What I got;
– Nikon D80 Kits
– 2GB SD Memory Card
Lowepro Water Proof Camera Bag
– UV Filter.

A lot more to learn and next should get a Nikon Speed Light. Some shots in 1U

Finally, the shop that offered me good services, Shong Lee Phone!

If you plan to buy camera, try visit the shop and mention Paul Ooi; you might get special gift?

24 responses to “Buying Nikon D80 Camera at Shong Lee Photo, Kuala Lumpur”

  1. i took the 1st picture 🙂
    1st picture is trying the kit lens at it’s 135mm , which is the longest length….
    i never set it’s safe shutter speed and apperature…(cause dun know how to set)
    the “comma” is like 10-13meter far , handheld , indoor , without bracing

  2. Excellent cam bro 🙂

    I suggest playing with the Auto-ISO function it’s very good.

    Set max ISO at 800 and put minimum shutter speed about 1/80s

    Should keep the motion blur to a minimum unless you are using above 100mm on your lens then might have problems still.

    Anyway ever want some lessons let me know 😛

    I just wrote a tutorial on Aperture on Digisniper might be useful to you:

    What is Aperture or f-stops/f number & Depth of Field

  3. i’m still playng wif my powershot s3 is. and never bother to learn all the terminologies. hahaha. mite try it tat shop tho if i’m in kl

  4. 矮子: paul sure sell after 3 monhts later. the reason he give will not be away from:-
    – i don’t really need a so good camera, cheap cheap camera will do.
    – too expensive no need so pro cuz i’m not pro photographer.
    – … forget liao will update u when i remember


  5. How much did you pay for the D80 kit? I’m travelling to KL from Manila, Philipines next week and am debating whether to buy here or there. Would appreciate your feedback.

  6. Hi, actually I’m doing assignment for Nikon to searching more advertisement other than newspaper and magazine, did anyone see outdoor advertisement before in KL so far?

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