I Love Google

Today, from the mailbox of my condo, from the hand of my housemate, got a mail. A mail from US, and it’s a cheque from Google Adsense! This is my 2nd cheque. Well, thanks for reader who dropped by here often with no purpose and thanks google for the $ and it really inspired me to write more crapusefull article. If you want some technical stuff, drop by takizo.com. Thanks Google and visitor, you all rock!

8 responses to “I Love Google”

  1. Dude, the cheque is so 20th century. I like it how Google deposits the cash straight into your bank account. (depending on which country your account is held). It’s much quicker! 😀

  2. 1) google will send to you every X month ? or when your $$$ accumulate till a certain amount ?

    2)USD 136++ = nikon 50mm/f1.8 , very good and sharp to take potrait , especially for those with girlfriend as a model

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