My friend asked me have I watched Dragon Tiger Gate? I said I didn’t, but I saw the trailler before, it looks very very… How to say it… Dramatic? Is like you kick wall it can break into 2 and you kick a person he can break into 4.
The poster is quiet nice.
But I think it’s better Jacky Chan feature them as California Fitness poster 🙂
5 responses to “Dragon Tiger Gate : 龍虎門”
Lemon Tse can do click like that meh? I don’t believe it! Yen Zidane I can believe ler. 😉
sorry correction: “Lemon Tse can do KICK like that meh?”
Aiyah.. take camera, shoot from low angle.. can.. anyone can do that.. even Danny 🙂
i like the poster too , the 3 chun chicks below
i watch liao… not bad 🙂