Windows Vista Security Preview at HITB Conf 2006

HITB Sec ConfMicrosoft is going to preview Windows Vista security features during Hack In The Box Security Conference in Malaysia.

Microsoft plans to give a hacker conference in Asia an inside look at new security features on Windows Vista later this year, the organizer of the event said Tuesday.

The company’s commitment to show off Vista to the hacker and security community is part of a long-term trend aimed at gaining greater feedback from users prior to product debuts. More and more software and hardware vendors are trying to weed out vulnerabilities before products go to market, and they often turn to the underground and above ground security community for advice.

“Companies know that fixing vulnerabilities in already released products is always going to be much more expensive than finding and squashing them during the development stage,” said Dhillon Andrew Kannabhiran, organizer of the 6th annual Hack In The Box deep knowledge security conference (HITBSecConf2006) set for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in September.

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