Blogging With An Apple

I have been very busy recently, busy with work and projects that have tight datelines to meet. I’m glad to hear spoonfork has finished one of his projects :). Wish me luck, I hope I can finish mine as soon as possible so I can have a good night’s sleep.

Oh yea, my houstemate has just bought a new Apple iBook and yes, I am so proud to be blogging using his new toy now. I had hoped to get an Apple a long long time ago, since last year July or August, can’t remember but can find my apple testing articles in my archive.

Apple MacBook Pro is too expensive for me, can’t afford it, RM7k and above. I need an Apple machine mainly for programming work; PHP, Apache, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Perl, Python. For sure it will be a good opportunity for me to expose Xcode2.0. I just hope Apple will release Intel “iBook” sometime this year. Programming work, an Intel “iBook” is good enough for me I think.

When I bought an IBM X40 early last year, I already promised myself not to buy any expensive laptop in 3 years time. Does anybody know when the Intel “iBook” will be released? Anytime soon? Because I am addicted to Mac machine now! 🙂

Ok, that’s it, back to work. I have a dream Chelsea will lose and Man Utd will win tomorrow 😛

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