Let’s Save Petrol

12 responses to “Let’s Save Petrol”

  1. Attention all….know y govertment increasing petrol price? there was a long story behind this case la……our govertment too bad n residents be the victim pula……

  2. cheh….u think our government so good meh? all bad la…i decide to sell my car if still increase soon…..promised won “in” again this year, wat about suddenly “in” again at 01/01/07…..malaysian likes surprice ma……….

  3. 01/01/07 increase another 50cent, and then they will also said;
    – we are still cheaper
    – we improve the public transport
    – this is good for rakyat
    – change your lifestyle

  4. somemore inc another 50cents ar, all ppl wil get a gun n shoot our minister…..included me! if reli inc ar, u won c any transport at K.L liao, all “jalan jalan” liao……

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