Friends and guys, this really shock me off…. Just visit this website, key in your first name, last name and country from. It can display your full _PASSPORT_ details!!!
Don’t we have any privacy of our own password? No wonder there are so many fake passpord around the zoo… This is so so bad, _WE WANT OUR PRIVACY_
7 responses to “Don’t we have passport privacy?”
bwahahahaha!!!!!!!!mah hai!!!!!!!!!!! gua kena tipu!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wahaha! I keyed in your name and saw your information + photo! You look really good!
haha.. phai sei ni.. lim peh also kena tipu … din know i was so handsome like monkey….
this site is from forward mail right ?
Alamak, this kind also wanna post in your blog. Cerita lama la :p
damn! they actually had my real details and mugshot!!! it was not such a great pic of me but hey… we all have bad hair days… 🙂
Phil, at least, it’s still new to my housemate 😛