An Apple iPhone in Malaysia

I was having lunch with my colleagues at some restaurant in The Weld today, my boss joint us after that. He walked into the restaurant with the earphone and it looks like he has an iPod attached with him.

After sat down, he take out that “ipod”, put on the table. That “ipod” is actually is his new Apple iPhone bought from US. Oh gosh, suddenly everyone silent for a while.. “iPhone…… iPhone bla bla…” As usual, he started to show off that cool gadget which tempted you to have a touch on it.

That device is damn nice, sleek, thin, stylish, fast… Geram when you see it… I think most of you know that iPhone is only available in US right now. And you have to sign up some package with AT&T or Cingular in order to activate the phone. Lots of people are waiting for the crack/hack on activation. If you can’t wait to play with it, can do what my boss did, sign up a package with Cingular and roam it in Malaysia.. LoL.. Which cost you a lot!

Seriously, the device is damn “chun”, only can get it in Malaysia Q3 next year. Just save and wait, I want that cool shit too!

31 responses to “An Apple iPhone in Malaysia”

  1. Hahaha………Must be that same up we saw the other day on 18th Floor…………Well now you see now you don’t…….

  2. The iphone is hopeless. No 3G/hsdpa – just edge data speeds. No qwerty keypad. In this day and era, why would i buy a non-3G phone for more than 500usd? Why would i buy a phone without physical keys? try to use the Nokia E90, Sony Ericsson P1i, HTC tytn, Samsung Blackjack or motorola q9 – how the hell would you conveniently type email on the go, manipulate your appointments/calender etc?? Sorry, the i-phone is not for me.

  3. Hi Paul! I am a Malaysian currently in US now. If you are still interested in getting the iPhone (unlocked and ready to be used with DIGI, MAXIS etc), i can help you get one at a way lower price that your boss has bought. Drop me a line at

  4. Paul…I got many DOUBTS about IPHONE ,and do u mind to giv me ur number and call u up to ask u more about the IPHONE?Hope it’s OK.Thanks.

    *Simply email me ur contact number.Thanks!

  5. Just get the apple itouch for mp3 and wifi good enuf and works the same as iphone. just without the phone functions! 4gb, huge enuf to store movies since this technology can’t store work files.lighter, slimmer.
    8GB…nah. RM1700 for 8gb for MP3 and VIDEO. not necessary. even my 2gb ipod nano…just good enuf,

    dun wanna be 2 careful handling the busy to think of it. 2 careful, might drop it.

  6. I hav a good news for you bro…

    I just saw one in Labuan yesterday, there’s a telecommunication shop selling 2nd hand iphone at only RM2700. The shop’s name is “BIG WIN SHOP” which just in front of Labuan Inn.

  7. aiyaa.. my boss just bought it and staight away cracked it and use it with celcom … no problem at all .. and he even install Free BSD into the phone. cool gadget. wanna asked my fiance to give it to me as hantaran kahwin.. hahahaha!!

  8. i’m using htc touch..much more lighter..smaller..sleeker..can direct upload n download from software required..wifi..mp3..more serious than iphone yet cooler..ahaks..

  9. Typically kiasu of Asians who need to show some sense of power and cloak their low self esteem by buying an iPhone. Let the bosses and those who need to project importance bask in their glory by possessing this uber cool machine. By mid year, when the iPhone launches in Malaysia, they are going to have to look for another new toy to boost their morale.

    If you’re going to own an iPhone, own it for the right reasons – enjoyment – the very essence of what an Apple product is.

  10. Ken confirm iphone will be launched in kl come May 2008! Finally!

    where can get this news..? any website…?

    wht is the PRICE during lunch …?

  11. All units in 1.1.3 firmware Unlocked In-Stock

    Price List:

    1 Unit – 2045
    5 Unit – 2035
    10 Units – 2025
    25 Units – 2010
    50 Units – 2000

    *All prices in Ringgit

    – PLEASE. PM / Email me your number. So we can deal directly.

    – Other conditions still apply, please read the post thoroughly.


    – I accept Singapore DBS/POSB/UOB or MayBank Malaysia ATM or I-Banking transfers
    – I accept meet-ups in Singapore West Area
    – first come first serve basis


    – Add S$9.15 for Singpost Same Day delivery within Singapore
    – Meet-up at Singapore West Area. Please arrange time with me


    – As I have limited number of units in stock, it will be on a first come first serve basis. First to make payment gets it. I will refund the later payments if all the units are

    taken up. You can check with me first before paying. Email at: 11246unlocked [add] gmail [dote] com or contact us at (+65)8233-9949

  12. Not worth it to buy..but if you want to give to your kids it’s ok(like a toys for me)…just bought from US and unlocked it..SMS manyak susah..sms same as chating..if you want to delete you have to delete all conversation..cannot forward sms..cannot copy image from safari(Web Browser) and a lots of weakness..maybe have to wait till next year for some enhancement.

  13. Selling iphone 8gb (Rm2000) and 16gb(Rm2450) full unlocked, ready to use with ur sim card. Ready stock, you can get it today!!
    Contact me at 0169952251 to check the current price, price are negotiable

  14. You know, i have an iPhone and i dont have to use the AT&T services.
    I just use my maxis number and it doesnt make any problems to me.
    FYI – i bought it from China and it is original

  15. hey man…wat nonsense are you talking about?? i kept myself updated on the iphone very much…you said it will be launched in msia on may?? HELLO!!! its october already la…and yet there is no OFFICIAL launch of iphone yet…pls pls…get things right b4 you say so!!! ver dissapointed when seeing those *fake * updates for all iphone wannabee owners…

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