one, two.. three, today is day 3 of hari raya, tomorrow gonna get back to work. i believe there are still a lot people in holiday “mode”. shorty went to a small town to eat more vegetables, because he had eaten too much of pils, not sure he took any photo or not. this year raya seem quiet, may be i’ve staying in this quiet city, and no more invite for open house, may be i am not welcoming. spent my time to watch movies in cinema, bourne ultimatum and resident evil. milla jovovich is still looking chun in the movie and the storyline is a bit bored, only a few fighting scenes.
this handsome sarawakian had just bought a brand new wireless mighty mouse, orang kaya betui… of course, he got a lot of raya money and he refused to share some of his duit raya. holiday is syok, resting at home and restored an ipod nano, firmware corrupted. just bought 5 new dvds and there are 2 folders of dvds sitting at my house, have to return back to that handsome fellow, oh… another one is in that red dragon’s house.
One response to “Selamat Hari Raya”
erm…soli…altough it dy passed 2 years…bt…d song which they write 2 memorized chan boon heng teacher…cnt open~~~i really hope 2 get it..where can i find it???tat song…>….thx oh…hehe^^