Ahh. Crap, don’t know who are this Airocom and MacroKiosk crap shit charged me on this unknowned SMSes until RM12.20. I have never subscribe to that bloody SMS content thingy, got charged RM0.30/sms OR RM4.00/sms and the best part is I never realize sometime the spam I got is chargeable on my bill!
I called to Maxis Customer Care, they said they could help me block the SMS Spammers with short code 33535 and 33340. Guys, if you worry to get charge so much, better make a call to Maxis and ask them to block that short codes.
So when will the new Barracuda SMS Spam Firewall coming out for Telco Providers? I think Maxis will love it very much.
5 responses to “Oh My God, What SMSes Are This to My Maxis Mobile”
i also kena this “UNKNOW” SMS charges…..Need to call Maxis customer service to wave this charging fee.
can u get the money back?
yeah… in the next month the total will wave the “UNKNOW” charges. But you need to call to Maxis customer service…. 🙂
hi Paul,
i also received this 33340 cheat sms. i saw your bill got MacroK number & i call them directly.
one girl answer the call & i scold them for simply charges me on this sms.
She said is technical problem… she cheched it & said that they has been charge me RM20.
so she said they will refund me the $$ .. now wait & c whether they really refund me or not.
i got the company info.
just received their call again while i’m typing this comment.
they said they already cancel all the services for my number & now their finance dept want my address… i ask why need address again? when the time you charge me you didn’t ask anything from me…. !@#$
she said i did accept the subscription on Jan 2007.. i said no way, i only will delete this kind of sms when i received.. i also said it should be your SMS services automatically subscript once user not reply no to your side… than she just say they will refund my $ by top up for me.
lastly thanks you Paul, your info help a lot !
I stayed in Singapore for 3 years and I once got ispammed by a company name zingmobile. I was surprised zingmobile is also in this part of the world, spamming and cheating money like no tomorrow. Another big spammer mtouche was fined in Singapore for cheating 500,000 consumers charging money without subscribing. The duo gangster should be captured and went through business ethic classes to reduce the spam damage. Catch carefully, there are good service providers, there are spammers, there are scammers. All are different. The Singaporean, yes, catch them. They hit and run and charges sky price you did not know you are being charged that much.