“Try camera tossing, where you toss your (least expensive and least favorite) camera in the air just before the shutter opens. The goal is to get your camera to capture a pattern you could not create while holding it in hand, so range—not height—is the goal. The results will be unpredictable, beautiful and abstract ” from http://flash.popphoto.com/
example :http://www.flickr.com/groups/cameratoss/pool/
首先 , manual focus infinity , 5-10 seconds shutter ….(不要忘记关风伞)
矮子试玩过几张 ,双脚发抖 , 脸青口唇白。。。。
5 responses to “异人做异术”
Hey Shorty, you actually toss your D80 into the air???!!!
-__-” 高手高手
what if you missed to catch your D80. then how?
u want to sell ur d80 ?
let me know… 🙂