Chinese New Year in Malaysia is Boring

Celebrate Chinese New Year without firecracker doesn’t mean Chinese New Year anymore. But then some dumbass mother fucker said if any firecracker paper found on your house. Get you ass up and wait for the fine RM200/piece. What a bull shit, sometime I really wonder do they know the meaning behind the firecracker? By the way, most of them don’t read history or knowing our traditions.

If THIS is Malaysia, you waiting to get summon laa.. sien… 😉

5 responses to “Chinese New Year in Malaysia is Boring”

  1. Those pics seemed to be taken from Thailand. Not only having freedom to burn your firecracker, you can install 30-inch satellite dish for your TV set to have access to 100 over channels without paying for any subscription fees. Life in Malaysia is indeed boring.

  2. Come to Oz. You are welcome if you are under 45, speak English have trade (e.g. welder, hairdresser, chef), professional (e.g. graduate) or business skills. You can celebrate CNY twice every year or more! Sydney’s Chinatown was a riot of colour and noise this year. Send an email about yourself at “” for a free assessment. We will talk to you in Malay, Cantonese, Hokkien, mandarin and English – all at once if you like – but you won’t regret moving here.

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