I just came back from One Utama, drove all the way there, pay parking and had a word with Shong Lee Photo Shop’s aunty, I shown her the bad pixel/dead pixel on my 2 days old Nikon D80 camera, and she said, I have to send to Nikon Service for them to check/repair and etc. Right after I heard what she told me, my heart immediately fall onto the plain and hard floor and broken into million of pieces.
It’s extremely sad and depress now;
- Monday night, I bought the camera at 9:30pm, came back home, quiet late, didn’t really play with it, furthermore the batery is low, so I decided to charge it, and take some nice shoot during company’s buka puasa dinner on the next day.
- Tuesday night, I start to take some photo, play around with ISO and etc. During that time I am sure it doesn’t has any bad pixel/dead pixel, because I had zoom in the picture to view the quality of the ISO I am using. After that I met 矮子 for a drink, and he found the red dot bad pixel/dead pixel on my camera LCD screen. I started to feel sad.
- Wednesday night, which is just 30mins ago, I went to the shop and see what they can do, the only solution is send to Nikon Service Center
Right now, feeling unwell of course, a RM4500++ gadget, bought after 2 days have to send into Service Center. Didn’t really play with it then have to send it in. Imagine, bring it to the shop, and to service center, and the technician will take off the parts, check, put it back, back to the shop, back to me. Well, for me, of course I am not willing to send in right now, next week will be festive season, hope to practice more and take more shots. Furthermore, I don’t know how long will it take for the service. What I really not happy is it’s a brand new camera which used not more than 5 hours, taken less than 500 pictures, owned less than 3 days, and it need to send in for services.
From what I am earning now, I am able to save RM300/month, I have to save 15 months then only able to buy the camera. In the 15 months I have to;
- Write hundred thousand lines of PHP Code
- Reply few thousand support email
- Configure a lot of servers
- Do a lot research and coding
Hard money, beside that I am not entitle any bonuses because I just joint this fantastic company early this year. So, my heart now is rocking up and down.
Buying new camera should be happy and excited, but the bad luck I have this month brough me sadness. Now, I have to think when to send the camera to the service center, and I have to take at least 1/2 day leave to bring the camera to Nikon Service Center in PJ, another 1/2 day leave to bring the camera back, not to mention parking and petrol of course.
It’s just not my day, so when should I send it in? Or Nikon should swap me a new unit and make me become a happy man again. Sigh! Sad! Sien!
Written on October 18, 2006 @ 08:15am
This evening, around 8pm++, I got a very short and meaningful SMS from 矮子,”Bought”. I knew he bought Nikon D80 too from Shong Lee Photo; but only body, and with a special l33t lens. So after that we meet up at TTDI for a drink before I went for my badminton game.
That fellow, unintentionally spotted a dead pixel in my D80 LCD screen. For a laptop screen, it need at least 3 pixels in order to change a new screen. Oh man, I have no idea with Camera, since the LCD screen so small, will they said at least 10 pixels in order to exchange a new unit? Cannot be right? The price is about the same with Dell Laptop man.
Hope not 🙂 I am bringing it back to Shong Lee Phone tomorrow night to show them the red dead pixel, wish me luck.
p/s: I made google search, getting bad pixel/dead pixel on camera LCD seem normal.
Do you see the red dot?
23 responses to “Nikon D80 Dead Pixel”
i believe if you read the warranty card or manual, it will somehow say that a small percentage of the pixel will have this defect, its all n the manafacturing process, unlike laptops or lcd, u can change the pixels to all red, green and blue to check, cameras dont have this function … so a very through test and sharp is needed when u purchase it lo … now that u have found after this long, i dont think so they will do anything … maybe give you some free prints at their shop or some discount on other lens? haha or maybe give a free screen protector?
Aiyo.. Don’t la say long, it’s just 3rd day 🙂 Sad la like that.. 🙁
doesn’t matter, the photo u shot, you’re not going to view it only in the camera LCD screen rite?,
anyway ..hope they’ll change for you .. but i think .. the possibility is quite low..
i am not sure bout this, i heard ar, if your lcd has 1% of dead pixel only will they replace it for you …
I know, but also mm song ma, paid RM4500+.
earl-ku, main main ah, 1% mean what? 100 bad pixels? 😛
anyway, had an experience with a new purchase of a hp for wife and the screen/camera was bad ….many snow. 2 days only…same case like yours. when back to shop, bisik bising and sale guy don’t layan cause leng chai……so finalyy wrote,call and fax letter to his boss and after more than a month and talking to the big boss………md/vp…….finally gotten a replaced hp…..same model. had to threathen them with consumer tribunal and etc……..so u can try it out. agreed with u pay so much should can substandard product………but 1 dead pixel is kind of hard to bargain 🙂
One bad pixel also kina irritating mate.. 😀
Bad luck dude. My VAIO had the same prob a week after i bought too last time. A line of dead pixels from left to right. Damn sakit hati..
When we pay, we pay for perfect~
sorry to hear your story. That’s one reason why I bought canon. I used to resell a lot of digital cameras. By far the quality of Canon exceeds all other brands.
Dont feel bad lar, actually if u think this way you will feel better : –
1. You camera is still under warranty period, and you got it at a good deal. You should be glad and you might get a new lens.
2. You joined the company in April which coincidently the Company’s year end closing is April. You have nothing to lose. If you joined on Dec/Jan then you should feel bad. I waited since last April (now already 19 october) for my increment and bonus and honestly I feel quite mentally exhausted.
You just bought the wrong camera. Canon does not have this kind of problems. So far, Canon makes the best cameras around. The technology that Canon has at the moment is more advance than others. If you like to play around with ISO, I would say that you are looking at the wrong product.
I’ve just bought the camera in Spain and i’ve got the same problem. But my pixel is green. A little difference, but a big problem. I hope I can change it tomorrow…
But the camera is wonderful, no doubt.
Hope you can get replacement. 😀
So any updates?
I sent my camera to Nikon Service center, it’s been 8 days and the stupid technician still hasn’t even take a look at it yet, the CS just ask me wait. dam frus.
Going to call up tmr and amok already.
Alright, this topic is old but i have to say something, the whole Canon versus Nikon is bullshit, i got both of em (400D / D80) in terms of build quality Nikon is clearly the better one, but it’s not really a big deal, they both very perform good.
On the ISO changing side, some reviewers got it wrong, Nikon has by far the easiest way to change ISO. U just have to hold the ISO button left of the color screen and rotate the wheel on the right. No menu is involved at all. Also, to show the ISO level on the top-status display and your viewfinder, you need to press the little programmable ‘function’ button on the right of the lens. U can reach it with your right hand middle finger 😛
All in all, Nikon’s color screen is not used that often, once you got your settings right u never check them again. Also i don’t use the auto-preview function after i shot a picture, i want to do that manually. One dead pixel on LCD displays is a very common issue and every type of elektronic gadget suffers from it. So does Canon and all the other ones.
400d price = ?
d80 price = ?
comparing this 2 model is unfair
and i am absolutely agree with you that changing ISO in d80 is damn easy
I read your story and…
I wanna buy a D80 for new year 2008
I am also a programmer~(studying in comp.science)
I like also play badminton!
and I am Asian too~
here’s what I think about the dead pixel:
dead pixels are just normal on elect. devices. U r lucky to have only 1. I know that money doesnt come from a tree, but 1 dead px will not bother u!
I am not agree with the guy up there who says that Canon are best. I have a Canon right now, ofcourse it works very well, and ofcourse it has dead px too! I didnt really check how many are they, and I dont want to neither! and I believe that my future d80 will too!.
I’ve been a photographer for years — only worked with standard 35mm SLRs. But recently, I decided I would like to get a nice digital camera. I purchased a Nikon D80 today at Circuit City and it has one dead pixel—a bright RED dot in the middle of the screen. I understand that technology has its defects, but its surely disappointing when you pay $1100 for the best camera out there and it has a flaw.
I am going to take mine back tomorrow and get another. This time I’ll make sure to open the box and check it for dead pixels in the store. Nikon needs to do something about sending these flawed products out into stores. You would think someone would check them for flaws before they leave the factory.
I am an ex pro of nearly 40 years in business so I have seen a lot of changes in equipment. I sold my business recently and just traded in nearly all my old Olympus digital cameras and Nikon 35mm. I bought a used D200 just so I still have a camera. The camera is fantastic but on close examination I found it to have one or two dead pixels. I phoned the shop as I have 2 weeks guarantee and they will look into it but the truth is I don’t want to lose it or have my money back as the camera is great. Thinking about it its one ten millionth of the screen that we are talking about but we photographers do like perfection and it really niggles.
the shop should give you a replacement if they know whats good customer service.
i bought a k200d ONLINE recently from a store based in sydney. i got the camera and played around with it for 3 days. by the end of the week, i found a dead/stuck pixel on the LCD, then i found 2 more. at first i wasn’t going to make a fuss out of it but eventually i decided to write the store quite a serious e-mail.
their customer service rep replied me the following tuesday, asking me to send the dslr back and they will send me a replacement after inspecting it. i sent it back that very day.
i’m still waiting for them to get the package and send out my replacement. i’m quite optimistic about the whole thing. they’re a good store, and i have every trust in their customer service.
but you’re talking about malaysia after all… so good luck. the store i’m dealing with has a proper customer service rep that replies to my e-mails in a blink. you had to deal with an ‘aunty’… nevertheless, i hope the best for you.
p.s. i forgot to mention that im based on the west coast of australia. a store on the other side of the country can offer me such good service.