Racist Malaysian

You guys must meet this Malaysian hero. I have never seen a fellow analyse about races until it really hit my toes. Salute him, Mr Wancitcat.

Bangsa Cina – Yakjuj n Makjuj
Bangsa Yahudi – Keturunan Dajjal,Dilaknati Tuhan

Bangsa Cina Dan Yahudi seperti yakjuj dan makjuj akan keluar minum air sungai sehingga kering,maksudnya? (menguasai segala aspek ekonomi diseluruh dunia)

Abang, ku banyak suka lu, lu ni memang hero Malaysia. Visit the racist forum.

3 responses to “Racist Malaysian”

  1. […] I am totally speechless when i read this entry over at paulooi.com – who labels him as a racist, i beg to differ, by simply calling a racist is not adequate, seriously – the amount of hate in me to fuck this fella is just so high that i am speechless, i am dumb-fucked by knowing someone like him or in fact group of people like this do exist right here together with us … […]