剛從LYP,3rd floor, Mobility Square Sdn Bhd (MTCS Group) – HP Authorised Resseler,買了一部手提電腦,但很不幸的,我拿到了一架有問題的。
a) CD-Rom 不能正常開關
b) 不能”Create Recovery CD”,銀幕顯示”Only a set of recovery cd allow to burn from a machine”。
Call 了HP service center三次,確認了這問題是不可能發生的(如果是一架新機的話),最大可能性是之前曾經有人用過或者是software出現問題,但不管怎樣,只要在購買后7-14天内有上述問題或hardware出現問題,HP是樂意替換一架新機給客戶的。
星期六一早,抱著平和的心態到囘到該家公司去,向有關員工解釋我的狀況,既然是從HP Authorised Resseler那兒購買的,心想當然是有一定的保障,問題應該不大。但是,我錯了!
Mobility Square = MS
MS第一解決方案: 我們可以幫你创造一個Recovery CD。
慶 – HP很方便,好像“蘋果”般,官方網站囘100%提供完整的支持,包括在綫自動確認您的機器所有硬件資料,提供相關支持。區區driver問題還難我不倒,我能應付。我要求替換。
MS第二解決方案: 送囘厰修理。
慶 – 送囘厰修理后,我是不是拿囘同一架,付了那麽多錢,但有問題且可能是二手機的手提電腦?
MS第三解決方案: 沒辦法,沒機。
慶 – HP那麽大公司沒機?不信,堅持要替換。
MS第四解決方案: 真的沒辦法,沒機,你買的是highend機,很少人會買,加上HP要出新款機,所以沒有存貨。
慶 – HP出Highend機當然有它的市場, “少人”代表還是有人, 那麽這部分”少人”的保障在哪? 再次聲明, 你們是HP认可/权威认可的, 审定的, 经授权的Reseller, 此言未免有點敷衍我吧 。
MS第五解決方案: 好吧,我們找找看。下午4pm來拿機。
慶 – 預料的結果,case close (暫時)
MS第六解決方案: 你的盒子還有在嗎,沒有盒子不能替換。我們需要完整的laptop(包括盒子)以便替換,不然不能交待。
慶 – 哪門子的道理? 盒子是他們收回+丟了,還有,盒子上有什麽重要資料? serial number? documentation? 我通通都有啊! 最重要的是,當初有人告訴各位關於 “沒有把盒子收起來的下次有問題不能更換/維修/服務“這條規則嗎?
MS第七解決方案:那沒關係了,下午幫你弄個手提電腦來,是架新機,但已經開過的(for display purpose),要不要?而且要是這次再有問題我們不能再做什麽了。
慶 – 這是什麽道理??付了那麽貴,加上我已經對你們的誠信失去信心,我會冒險+妥協嗎?我要求拿囘我應得的新機!
慶 – 這是什麽道理??再一次,我的保障在哪裏? 算了,暫時也不能做什麽,我忍!
Manager Benny Shim,他的立場似乎是不想負責任,根本一開始就沒有抱著全心為客戶服務的態度和我談,嚴格來説,他根本沒有跟我談, 整個過程從頭到尾都只是通過工作人员向我傳話,我只能坐在customer service的角落等答覆。到第二次call我回去, 我還得站著櫃檯処和他”談”。對不起, 我感受不到你一絲的誠意!
HP要出新款機,所以不存舊貨,我明白,但明白歸明白,接受與否是倆囘事!電腦是我用真金白銀買回來的,而且不便宜, 我當然要拿到最完美的!我有錯嗎?
各位,到底馬來西亞的消費者權益在哪?就連是HP权威认可的, 审定的, 经授权的Reseller, 到問題發生時,就只會把責任推卸囘給HP,自己就置身事外,那麽一般不了解這方面知識的用戶, 也就只能妥協嗎?? 到底有誰/什麽部門能保障我們消費者應有的權益??
因爲我的laptop bag囘刮花我的電腦,昨天(02/10/2006)和我同事借他的laptop bag用,一看之下他就問我爲什麽我的包包只有15″??而非應有的17″包包。
我問他爲什麽我的包包只有15″,而非應有的TARGUS 17″包包?
Benny- “一樣的,之前的沒有貨,而且這是HP皮革的”
慶 – “哪一樣?”我把包包重疊在一起,真僞即辨!
Benny- “你要新機我們換新機給你,你還想怎樣”
慶 – “別把話説得那麽難聽!我是拿囘我應得的東西!”
Benny- “不管我的事,你要的話問HP”
慶 – “現在我跟你買的東西,有事當然找回你,難道我有錯嗎?”
Benny- “現在沒有貨,要的話可以幫你找,要等”
慶 – “多久?”
Benny- “不知道,有貨通知你”
還是通過手下來幫我開機,不知是否因爲物似主人型,手下Ah Hou的服務態度還是一個字-差。
驗機期間,我問其中一位工作人員,“我花了那麽多不該花的時間來回LYP,取囘你們出錯而且應負責任,而我應得的的東西,那麽你們的老闆是不是打算幫我換了機就不了了事?有沒有什麽行動讓我好過些比如折扣等優待? Benny依然不理睬,通過手下傳話 “真的沒什麽可以做得倒”。
得知了一個肯定的答案后,我也沒有再一步追問,以免自討沒趣,然後我買了兩年的warranty,不知是否是天助我也,簽完所有的文件及fax之後,他們忘記向我收錢,由於我用credit card付錢,加上簽了那麽多文件,我也忘了原來我還沒付錢。過了整個下午都沒有人打電話通知我。
直到晚餐時間才打來,說我忘了付錢,能否bank-in 給他們,我說沒問題,在我工作附近有Maybank,RHB,Public,Hong Leong,但他們就只有Alliance Bank,我說好吧,當我的17″包包來得時候我順便過去還錢。
那17″targus包包理應是我買的17″電腦隨機附贈的,至於Mr Banny你說沒貨,而拿了一個15″,又指鹿爲馬告訴我是說是一樣size的,你未免有點理虧了吧。我的立場是要拿囘我應得的,至於你們把我應得的包包“收”到哪裏去,我不想再追究。
Picture taken from other not HP Authorized Shop
Bag Mobility Square gave.
Bag I should get based on the package I bought.
Difference between 15″ vs 17″
44 responses to “我感到被欺騙!! 馬來西亞的消費者權益在哪?”
This is what we worry when shopping in Malaysia (its seldom happen in foreign country)
File a complaint here!
i agree with you that malaysia consumer society should really do something. This is not going to happen in western country.
another sucky, reseller..
buy Dell la…
only u screw people… never get pissed…
1) 真希望認識某某報館的高臣
2) 全程都用recorder紀錄對話 , 然後報案
3) list是寫free TARGUS caring case , 沒有寫size
4) 我絕對不會給錢
as davors said,
only u screw people… never get pissed…”
got problem call dell,
they come to you at the next business day!
if u buy from some lanjiao LYP shop, and ur product got problem, you will meet these situation:-
– seller give u lanjiao face
– unpolite tonality when they talk to u
– dun even wan to talk to u if they know u come back for warranty
– sales ppl will point u here n there, n u wait like SoJ
Dell is the best.
I bought a Dell Inspiron 6400 with 3 years complete cover.
Dell after sale services is the best, I don’t think others company is better then Dell.
Dell Dell Dell!!!!!!!!!!!
Next year is Malaysia tourist year, wht kind of image you want Malaysia to be? Do you expect a tourist from Thailand/Taiwan/… to buy a IT product from you, without be infromed that there will be no stock spare for exchange/replace the product if sumthing gone wrong? Or you expect people to back and forw in 2 weeks time from thier country to exchange something which found got prob after purchased????
– seller give u lanjiao face
– unpolite tonality when they talk to u
– dun even wan to talk to u if they know u come back for warranty
– sales ppl will point u here n there, n u wait like SoJ
Sogua, 100% macthed with Mobility Square’s people!!!
Buy Apple la.. Lampa, designer buy HP.. Kiong kan la..
how’s the support apple giving ar?
never try apple before.
if anyone tried do let us know,
then we can list it into the “GOT GIVE SUPPORT SELLER LIST”
Paul, I’m not designer la, I’m 3D animator, I also want to buy apple, but the software – Maya (Mac version) is unstable, no choice…. dell is good, but spec is not storng enuf…haih~~
Apple Center always good as long as u go in with british accent, accidentally drop a platinum credit card or alot of “Agung” face, den should be no prob, in fact, I think most of the places act the same :p
ask them eat shit ! as what andy lau said 你们今时今热的服务态度是不可以的。 this bunch of people work till numb already they need some big issue like sue them for once then only can go back to provide right business and customer service attitude .
Everyone visit http://www.lowyat.net, you can see that obviously HP is investing in Malaysia lately. TO HP, with this kind of service from Mobility Square, is that a reseller/worker/staff that represent HP you need? Then i really have to ask myself am I choosing the right product, at least Dell people know how to smile to customer!
reseller should be more polite cause now buyyer are very clever now
no need talk so much.
call up the HP customer service center,
ask who is the manager,
file a complaint there and ask what action they will be taken,
u just tell them u wan to see something (see what action they take)!
remember to tell them u support HP,
u dun wan HP to have this kind of bad reputation.
then i think the stupid felor sure kena from HP liao.
SoGua…hopefully they will take it seriously lo~~, again, h.o.p.e.f.u.l.l.y lo~~ 🙂
lucky i no buy hp, i used acer, one of the cheapest, touch wood so far so good after 1.5 year no problem…
我今年五月曾到过他们的店铺。那时他们正在促销一个HP的手提电脑,他们所给的价钱是所有在LOW YAT的店铺给不到的。那手提电脑竟然便宜了五百马币。我在那儿问了几个问题可是那些人像做贼心虚一样不敢光明正大的回答我的问题。我起疑了,那是贼货?
You can write an official complaint letter to HP’s HQ in US. Remember write to US not Malaysia.
This is typical Malaysian “si pek lan si” attitude. In your letter, attach your blog’s post, your readers’ comments, the pages your have searched through Google etc. When you write to HP’s HQ in US, you can mention they are appointing someone ruin their HP business rather than promote HP business. In US, the consumer rights are well aware by public and well practice. When you provide many evidences about the bad service from this company, they will take action. I believe they don’t want lose their business in Malaysia. You can ask HP’s HQ in US reply to you regarding this. They will.
Besides, you should write to CAP although you have “claimed” your laptop but you still can write to CAP for a record.
Thanks Kean-Jin~
kheng , that was horrible , a ,lot of cheater around the lyp …:(
this must giv it a STOP……
HP is a good product….but in Mobility Square Sdn Bhd(lowyat) give us a very very bad service, very rude & irresponsible…. I was the victim too seriously….
is an Asshole service from them!
King, maybe you can use your blog to collect the information then attach it together with the letter to HP’s HQ in US. You can ask them send email to you, describe to you details (with date, time, how, receipt number, HP product number etc) about the poor service from that bloody shop.
Benny- “你要新機我們換新機給你,你還想怎樣”
Benny- “不管我的事,你要的話問HP”
这是什么态度?拿这样的东西给顾客,态度还这样恶劣,有没有搞错#·* …
bad attitude bad survice bad manner
this kind of shop shouldn’t exist in the world
yes plz curse the irresponsible manager cukup cukup after u take the thing deserved for u XD
Well,tis problems will still exist even u keep on complaint complaint n complaint,wasteless.
but b sure to claim back wat u had paid for lerr..
D only way is to learn from others mistakes n b a wise consumer lo…
“Well,tis problems will still exist even u keep on complaint complaint n complaint,wasteless.”
This is the main reason y malaysia consumer keep bully by those unresposible reseller!
HP, your decision will affect
a) The unresposible reseller keep takin advantage frm thier consumer, and destroy HP image
b) Build up a nice image to your consumer, hence, consumer will feel confident to HP product
yeerr…so bad…..
king, just send it to the US HP….
don’t you give them keep on bully the people who buy hp
i think, every lowyat stuff is the same, everyone is Conman.
believe me when you file a complaint to HP in USA the story will different. Don’t forget file a complaint to CAP also. This is the consumer rights. I would like to say, the EMPORER business system has over. The world is small nowsaday.
Friend of mine had did that before. He asked for a quotation regarding a small laboratory stuffs. He had asked several times for a quotation from that company’s local branch. However, they don’t respone to him. Well, he filed a complaint directly to the HQ in USA although there is a regional company in Singapore. 2 days later, he received a phone call from that company’s local branch asking what they can do for him.
See, this is Malaysia’s attitude. Those bloody people dare to BULLY local only, when MAT SALLEH come after them; them suddenly become so nice.
wat i wan to say over here, nowadays , BUYers are no longer numb liao!
those reseller thought tat we buyers we consumers have no place to go when things go wrong~
in fact i can tell u reseller , you are wrong~
we have CAP
lets not talk about complaining about IT stuff and labotory’s stuff,
things like subscription services company in fact oso can have alots of problem…
remembered last year, i subscribe several kinda of (healthy type one ok)magazines from a company named Transnet
for the 1st few weeks , everything goes well
but until dunno which month d, the company mailed me an acknowledgement letter saying that there will be no issue for one of my magazine.
As solution, they give me 3 solution.
1st refund
2nd they give me the old version…or i should say those old issues
3rd choose other type of magazine.
Common sense la, of course most ppl will go for the 1st choice la, REFUND!!!
but days after days, weeks after weeks, they just do nothing…until i called dem.
The manager said, “this is not their problem, this is publication’s problem…”They kept on pushing away the responsibility… Ya u are right~ they dowan to give me back the refund.
Huh? excuse me? I pay u money to deal with all these subscription stuff making sure that i get every issue that i suppose to get.
you now say this lanciao grandmother story with me?
Ok never mind, the next after , i straight away go to Penang CAP~ i lodge reports there giving five ringgits as a service fee. ( for your information, CAP is a private NGO not under government ).
the reports are splited into 2 copies…which means you got to copy yourself into 2 copies.
one for the CAP as reference, and one for the company that you are complaining with.
bla bla bla i complain a bout their attitude, their irresponsibilies …and so on
ha ha
not even one week, the cibai company called me back asking me to cancel the complain…IOr else the CAP will start a court case for you. Dun worry, the CAP will provide you a lawyer in the court. and for everything is charging you for 5 ringgits only!!! cheap and worth-it isn’t it?
Ya you are right, nowadays reseller and service provider damn afraid of association such as CAP~
And of course , they agred to give me back the money.
Mistakenly , i forget to charge a few ten ringgits for the time and expenses (mailing stamp fees) that i have spent.
but, from this experience, i no longer afraid of those lanciao reseller… one report, one court case , making dem mar huan.
can i know who is the big boss for this MTCS Group Company?
No idea wor..
[…] 一路来都有听MYFM,自从有了“我有权投”,心里不禁想起之前买手提电脑被骗的事,前几天心想试试看,反正都过了大半年,他们应该不会理睬了吧,怎么知道今天中国报打来,还问个来龙去脉,弄得我不好意思,在此小弟与大家分享,如果大家有冤无处诉,可以上MY FM 或中国报官方网站,查询有关“我有权投”的资料。 […]
if i were you, definetely i will go to HP Hq there to complain them. How come “they” can survive until now, don’t know how many customer been con y “them”. i double check your spec, i found that you had bought an “expensive” laptop liao… i’m sure “they” had make a lot of profit from you, but “they” provide “lao ya” service to you…
big boss is mike tan
老板叫Mike TAn,但是像你这种小儿科,manager 都是不理的,我可以送你一句,当黑。。。