Friends Complaint

Paul Ooi's FriendsSome of my old friends buzz me for the past few weeks, after they found out I have a blog. Most of them asked the same question, “Cong Jen, what the hell are you writing on your blog, I can’t understand at all”.

Even Max – the money face also complaint my blog is boring, compare to last time. He said he wants to see some hamsap pictures and read some hamsap jokes (Dude, I show you nice nipple and can you please don’t show to Ling?). Sorry to make you guys confused on what I have written sometime. It’s actually toward some technical thingy.

So, I decided to follow what Mel did (don’t you agree I am a good follower?), seperate my personal blog and technical blog. So, from today onward, this blog will becomes Paul Ooi & Friends blog and Takizo will become technical articles blog.

My dad also said he don’t understand what I write, and he decided to change his internet browser homepage to soccernet

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