World Of Warcraft Ban WINE

World Of WarcraftSad news for Linux user who play World of Warcraft on WINE. A World of Warcraft gamer who calls himself Infernix received an email from Blizzard Europe after he was unable to connect to World of Warcraft server.

The email from Blizzard Europe said that Infernix is using a 3rd party software to play World of Warcraft and it violated the rules & policies of the game. Besides that, if you are using a programmable keyboard to play World of Warcraft, it might get ban too (So? Don’t buy expensive keyboard to play World of Warcraft :P)

Read the email conversation between Infernix and Blizzard Europe. How about Mac users who are running Darwine? also get banned? 😀

2 responses to “World Of Warcraft Ban WINE”

  1. The Mac version has native ports, both for intel and ppc. So need to worry…but poor guy either way, wish I had a keyboard like that as well.

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