Yes! I have received my first Google Adsense cheque! So I can spend this money during Singapore trip. Thanks Google, thanks visitors who drop by my blog. You guys are wonderful people in the world.
Yes! I have received my first Google Adsense cheque! So I can spend this money during Singapore trip. Thanks Google, thanks visitors who drop by my blog. You guys are wonderful people in the world.
30 responses to “Thanks Google”
How much How much? can we go to Singapore with you!? on Google??
very little only.. haha
syok ka si nia 🙂
hehe.. siok.. Google sponsor me to Sg .. hehe
go..go…eat KFC
hehe.. Bird Flu la, Don’t eat KFC, we eat bread 🙂
waoh……..bread only? where can har? can’t ler….
then belanja seafood….
can la, next cheque, i belanja KFC
dun wan lar…next cheque u belanja 鲍鱼鱼翅
wah jack, so little also wannt tipu my money meh 😛
hehe,i know paul is a good guy de, so 鲍鱼鱼翅 No problem lar….wakaka.
Actually u join google ads how long liao?
ei jack, else like this, i belanja, u pay, claim from my next cheque 😀
wa…..u smart guy ler…me poor la… money for pay 鲍鱼鱼翅
Hello good afternoon…wats urs talking about? KFC la…abalone la…
Fannie, we are discuss about luxurious dinner, which Jack would like to buy us, want to join?
Jack, my google ads started back to Jul 05
wah sai… 恭喜恭喜 :D, 我还差一点点nia….
maria a.k.a twinmom, wish you get the cheque soon 🙂
Ok…like that…maria belanja KFC, ah paul belanja 鲍鱼鱼翅…win win method…hehe…
haha.. yaa.. we will have dinner and lunch KFC and 鲍鱼鱼翅, Jack pay first and claim from our next cheque 😀 😀 😀
haha…paul wan eat bread ar..
cum de shop tat 1 work lo..
jack. u promised treat all ya? wow……..good!
fANNI~ pengsan…me very poor, paul dun bully me la……wuwuwu
Claim from our next cheque ma..
aiyo…..go n eat “big chan” ma Jack, no need to pay 1 ma y not wor! somemore Paul said can claim it ma….normali rich ppl wil said “i am poor”!!!
Hey Jack, Paul buly u ya…call this number they wil help u….999
Jack, or call 994
No…No…where can call 999 or 994 har..?
call this number 1300 13 1300 or 1300 882525
they will help me and fANNIE, but paul pay money…wakaka….
hehe.. kanasai 😛
ya… google is paying.
i earning the eCPM money, but not the CTR money.
anyone can tell me y i cant get the CTR pay?
the money i received is exactly only the CTR money . nothing more.
m i missing some configuration?
How long do you have to wait before getting the cheque? Getting 2nd cheque soon by now?