Heh. my very first web UI design using Photoshop. But I do not know how to put into wordpress template. might need to spend sometime.. on it! If you would like to find out how I did it, just download the source file here. Comments are welcome 🙂
Heh. my very first web UI design using Photoshop. But I do not know how to put into wordpress template. might need to spend sometime.. on it! If you would like to find out how I did it, just download the source file here. Comments are welcome 🙂
3 responses to “Photoshop UI”
nice wor…
but you need to edit the CSS style sheet, which I only managed to edit those assisting theme to fit in my design.
check out this site if you free–
let me know if you figure a must easier way :lol:…
hehe… I know CSS, but no time to do it yet…. keke.. just looking forward 🙂
Design sense improved a lot, colors control are quiet consistency.
From content aspect, wht is the point of putting the spider there? Because of everything is related to networking?
I think is good enuf la, if can add in some color to the website den it might looks more interesting, for exm, can use brown or green color for tittle and important words, i think it can help to focus on sumthing more efficiency compare to the current color u are using.
Of cos hav to choose the color carefulyl, cos most brown and green will look ugly if u mix them wrongly 😛